How much protein do you actually need

Created On: Feb 8, 2022
How much protein do you actually need

It is a question of millennia, and have you ever figured out the right answer? Because answer to this is actually quite simple and depending on your lifestyle this can be determined. Make sure to read the article till the end, there is a beneficial method for you to this article.

How much protein do you actually need? Before coming to any conclusion here is a simple method to figure out what you actually need or how much protein do you need:

Sedentary or low active : 0.8 to 1.2 gm/kg body weight/ day

Moderately active : 1.2 to 1.8 gm/kg body weight/day

Highly active: 1.8 to 2.5 gm/kg body weight/day
Did you expect this article to somewhat be like others, where you will be stalled and left with no answer? Oh! Don’t worry, at Classic Fitness what we do best is indefinitely exercise/nutrition science.
Now to understand this better let us move ahead, what do we actually mean when we say this is how much protein you need or obviously what are the sources that we can lean on to get the benefits?
Well vegan/vegetarian/non-vegetarian in simple words if we put all of us can meet the requirements of the protein according to our lifestyle. Obviously adding in on a little supplement does not harm anybody, because when we use the word supplement we aren’t cutting off the food or replacing it all we are trying to do here is complete the requirement of our body for protein.

A lot of diets have been out there obviously the ones for free too, but have you ever wondered how much protein is actually there in that particular diet or how you can calculate the same for your body? Well given above we have explained why and how much protein do you need in your diet. Eventually, you will have to listen to your body, this blog does not give you medical advice, this blog talks about how much protein do you need.
If obviously there are health issues that you face you will have to take it up to your doctor and consult with him before jumping onto any xyz diet that you figured out online that claims to get you lean or bulky.

 Now again, one more question must come to your mind, how will I track how much protein I have consumed and how much more is left to be consumed? Right? Tracking your meals could be very beneficial, you can track your calories from which you can figure out that this protein-rich meal is beneficial for you at the moment and figuring it all out is so easy in today’s world thanks to technology. So summing it all up in the end, how much protein do you actually need depends on your body, lifestyle and requirements. And each one of us difference hence requirement of protein certainly differs.

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