Outdoor Exercise; The Benefits And Dangers
Outdoor exercise is indeed beneficial and some people actually prefer doing outdoor workouts instead of going to gym or performing workout at home, now whether you call it running, cycling or even walking people do go outdoors to get fit or to stay in shape. However what we are discussing today is the benefits of outdoor exercises, so let’s start with it.
- Cover me in sunshine, but not too much because I’ll faint
Well, not the song obviously but who can get over the loop of the specific song. Well, when you are training outdoors you get to enjoy the benefits of sun and absorb vitamin-d too, if that is early in the morning and obviously not in crouching heat where you might faint. So the basic first benefit would be you get to enjoy the sun and yet if it’s too hot you might as well get dehydrated and sick as a drawback.
- Breathe in fresh air and adjust with pollution too
Yes, fresh air, hits on a different level right? So while you are working out outdoors you get to enjoy the breeze and the smell of freshness in the air and your surroundings, but that only gets limited because if you live in a pollution dense city where the air pollution is more than fresh air then it might turn you sick.
- Different from your regular routine but might also come with risk of injuries
Isn’t it lovely you get into a different zone all together and you actually enjoy the change and it even motivates you to perform your outdoor workout, where you feel the urge of trying something new or even trying some exercise that you might have seen on your Instagram recently or which you saved right?
But the draw back here is that, while you might try and get the new outdoor activity done you might as well end up hurting yourself. Without someone looking after your posture or even technique it could get risky for to perform a safe outdoor workout.
- It is free of charge but you might need guidance
Who does have to pay to be in the nature unless it is an expensive resort you are looking for a getaway, so yes your outdoor workout activity is indeed free of charge and you are free to move here and there but when it comes to performing exercise it is very important that you either know what exactly you are doing or you are performing the routine under a guide.