How can a Personal Trainer increase their earning potential?

Created On: Jul 26, 2023
How can a Personal Trainer increase their earning potential?

For a personal trainer, finding ways to earn money while sleeping or enjoying life is a dream. So let's see how you can get there.


However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and potential downsides of any passive income streams, as they may not always be as reliable or stable as active income sources. In this article we'll look at some of the ways by which personal trainers can generate a passive income.


Build Relationships and Network

Most personal trainers already know the power of referrals. However, not many go to the effort of expanding their network to attract even more clients. If you want to fill up your hours, you absolutely must network. Get the word out there by attending events, talking to people, and making the effort to reach new markets.


An important aspect of networking is relationship-building. When you form close relationships with other businesses, you create a symbiotic relationship. When you send them customers, they’ll be more inclined to send you clients.


Build relationships with businesses in industries that are related to personal training. For example, physiotherapists, nutritionists, supplement stores, chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists and even other personal trainers. The more businesses you form relationships with, the more likely you are to begin to share clients


Offer Group Fitness Classes

Group training can increase your income by double, triple or more without the equivalent level of time and effort from yourself. Many trainers consider offering group training, but few actually dive right into it. The more well-rounded you are as a fitness professional the bigger your client base will get, and your potential clients will grow too.

From running a simple exercise class to a full boot camp program, group training is an excellent way to quickly earn a good salary as a personal trainer. However, it can be more difficult than standard personal training.


Premade Workouts

Premade workouts are exercise routines that have been created in advance by a personal trainer. These workouts can be followed by individuals looking to improve their fitness level or achieve specific health goals.

Premade workouts can be found in a variety of formats, including printouts, online videos, or apps that provide step-by-step instructions for each exercise


 Prerecorded Video Workouts

Prerecorded video workouts are exercise routines that have been recorded in advance and can be accessed and followed at any time. These workouts can be found online or through fitness apps, and they often feature instructors who guide viewers through each exercise.


Prerecorded video workouts can be a convenient way to get in shape, as they allow people to exercise at their own pace and on their own schedule. They can also be an effective way to try out different types of workouts and find a routine that works for them.


If you’re motivated to make your career in fitness a success, get a head start with a formal qualification. Our Careers Advisors are only a call away and happy to talk through your goals and requirements. To get started, contact us on 8052527007,8318911453 today.



           Sarthak Rastogi

           CFA  Lucknow